5th of October 2021
Dear Members & Associate Members,
As many of you are aware, the recently planned AGM which was scheduled to take place on the 25th of September 2021 was postponed after considering the input of all members and in the spirit of collective unity among all members both heard and unheard. After having written to the ROS and obtained agreement from them to schedule the meeting after the 30th of September (A point stated in the constitution). We are happy to update you of the new scheduled date for the AGM of the Neurosurgical Association of Malaysia below. While there have been many constructive inputs on the running of the event, we have attempted to consider all aspects and consulted with the ROS prior to coming up with the following arrangements to ensure proper procedural execution and conduct of the AGM.
The NAM Executive Committee hereby gives notice that the 21st Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Neurosurgical Association of Malaysia is scheduled to take place on Saturday, 23rd of October 2021, between 12:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs.
In as much as we have endeavoured to accede to our members request to organize a purely live meeting, the ROS strongly advocates that all societies have virtual or hybrid events until formal permission has been granted by the National Security Council to have live AGM’s (Phase 4). In view of this recommendation and the dynamic nature of current conditions which is constantly changing, this AGM will be conducted on a Hybrid platform (live event with the option of participating virtually for those members who may not be able to participate in person given these circumstances).
We also kindly request understanding from our members that in view of the dynamic nature of the current COVID-19 conditions, If the situation remains unfavourable, we might be forced to pursue a purely virtual meeting as planned before. While some may express the idea that we should postpone the meeting indefinitely until a date where a live meeting can be conducted ,the current Exco feels this might not be in the best interest of the society. Thus, we are proceeding with this event on the date which was previously mentioned.
Pre-Registration for those planning to attend the live meeting is to be submitted by the 20th of October 2021 as it is required to facilitate the arrangements being made at the meeting venue in accordance with strict SOP requirements for the meeting. As for the Hybrid/ Virtual participants, Pre-registration is also compulsory as the duration is needed to confirm all details and to send them the necessary links. The last day to submit your registration for the event will be on 20th of October 2021 at 23:59 hrs. Kindly ensure the membership fees are up to date at the time of registration.
We thank all members who have taken the time to give us their feedback on the AGM and have taken into account all your inputs while referring to the ROS and the constitution for guidance and have made a collective decision regarding the conduct of the elections.
The elections for the upcoming Executive Council Members will be conducted onsite in Hilton Kuala Lumpur. An Independent Election Officer and 2 scrutineers will be appointed from among the members present to ensure a smooth and fair election process. As this is a Hybrid meeting, those members who are not able to attend physically can participate virtually subject to pre-registering prior to the event as stated above. The election process on Zoom will use their secure inbuilt polling system to compile the votes. Zoom will then tabulate the results which will be added to the total tabulations received onsite. A recording of the event will then be sent to the ROS for filing purposes. The provision of an option of virtual participation is believed to allow for a greater participation from all members despite of scheduling and SOP restrictions.
Members who wish to table any new resolutions or constitution amendments for the upcoming AGM please reply through our secretariat: NAMcontactus@gmail.com. Your reply to the secretariat must reach this email address no later than 15th October 2021 as we would like to list your valuable suggestion(s) during the meeting.
The agenda of the AGM will be as follows:
1. Welcome Address by the NAM President, Dato Dr Kantha Rasalingam
2. Approval of the minutes of the NAM AGM 2020
3. Annual Report 2020 by the NAM Honorary Secretary, Dr Regunath Kandasamy
4. Financial Report 2020 by the NAM Honorary Treasurer, Dr Saiful Azli
5. Discussion on new resolution or constitution amendments
6. Other matters
7. Dissolution of the Executive Council Members 2019-2021
8. Election of the Executive Council Members 2021-2023
9. Meeting adjourn
We look forward to your active participation.
Should you require further information or clarifications, kindly contact the NAM Secretariat at NAMcontactus@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Warm Regards,